Friday, September 18, 2009

It's been a long time...

I shouldn'ta left you
without a dope rhyme to step to.
Sorry, oh snark worshipping folk. After a bout of month long ho hums followed by an insanely large, terribly directed and overwhelmingly talent-filled mega-musical, I feel like I'm back in the saddle of my life. So, now I can truly get back to bitching about it.
The show went great for me, and not only did I meet a fabulous casting agent, but I got back in touch with a lot of people in the singing biz. For a while there it didn't look like moving back to Cali was a very good idea career-wise. There is no opera here outside of crappy "Guffman goes to the opera" organizations, or the really bigguns, which I am already affiliated with to some capacity. But I remembered something about myself these last couple of months. I like musical theater. I always forget that, until I do another show. I would rather do Gypsy than Boheme any day of the week. And Cali has got MT coming out of its disneyfied cornhole. There is nothing like it in NY. There is opera and there are musicals and by design, the twain shall never meet. I think that is why I found myself doing new American opera so much; it was the closest I could get to campy musical theater without being a twink.
I've found that operatic training goes a long way to forgiving my weight on the CLO circuit. I have already landed my next two gigs, which will pretty much take me right up to the time I start ...

